Monday, August 29, 2011

Horsey Makeover!

Saturday morning arrived this Bank Holiday Weekend and as I arrived at the yard I suddenly decided that I couldn't do another winter with full feathers and full on mud! The field had already started to become muddy due to the glorious British Summer Time we have been experiencing (I literally haven't had a week recently when i've not got soaked!) and I just couldnt face another winter of muddy feathers.
So I got Barney in, gave him a big old hay net and three hours later he was transformed! Here are the results.....

And just to prove quite how much hair came off of him, here is the bucket we filled which weighed 4.5kg. He really must be feeling a lot lighter!

Lexi enjoyed her morning at the farm, watching intently what was going on and then making good friends with Barney...

Let me know what you got up to over the Bank Holiday- I love three day weekends! I hope you didn't get caught out in the rain!


  1. what a lovely cob you got there, he looks stunning. thats exactly what we had to do to our cob, full clip, feathers and all! she feels AMAZING will all her thick coat gone and looks atleast 10 years younger which isen't bad for a 20 year old!!

  2. Barney is so lovely! You're blog's very nice!

  3. Thanks for your comments! We have now totally clipped his coat coming soon!


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